HACETTEPE UNIVERSITY Turkish and Social Sciences Education


The Department of Turkish Education was established in 2013 as the Department of Turkish Education in order to train Turkish teachers. 

Registration, admission, examination and evaluation procedures of students are carried out in accordance with the Higher Education Law and the decisions and regulations of the Council of Higher Education issued based on this law. Registration and admission procedures at Hacettepe University are carried out by the Department of Student Affairs, and information on regulations and directives can be found at //www.oid.hacettepe.edu.tr.

Higher Education Institutions Examination (YKS) is applied for transition from secondary education to higher education. The exams are conducted by the Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM). Detailed information about the exams can be found at //www.osym.gov.tr. In the exam system, candidates are administered two different tests. In the first stage, YKS-Basic Proficiency Test (TYT) and in the second stage YKS-Field Proficiency Test (AYT) are applied. The “Higher Education Institutions Exam” is an exam that measures the competence for transition to higher education for those who have successfully completed secondary education and want to study higher education. Students who can get enough points from the verbal field in this exam are eligible to study in the program. 

Successful completion of all the courses available in the program (equivalent to 240 ECTS in total) and having a GPA of at least 2.00 out of 4.00 is the qualification requirement for graduation.

Graduates of the Turkish language teaching program are appointed as Turkish teachers in public and private educational institutions affiliated to the Ministry of National Education with the title of “Turkish Teacher”. In addition, our graduates can work in classrooms, sectors such as educational materials design and marketing, publishing organizations, publishing houses, workplaces that develop educational materials, and academic staff of universities. 

Turkish Language Teaching undergraduate program is a 4-year program. The courses in the program consist of Professional Knowledge (MK), General Culture (GK) and Field Education (FEA) courses. 49% of the program consists of Field Education, 33% of Professional Knowledge and 18% of General Culture courses. In addition, students are obliged to take 16 elective courses corresponding to a total of 32 credits and 60 ECTS. 

Master of Arts (MA)

Master degree Program for Turkish Education is a two-year program (4 semesters) with thesis handled by the Institute of Educational Sciences. Master degree program for Turkish Education has been established to train science experts who have occupational knowledge and skills in teaching Turkish as a mother tongue. The science experts; who have been trained in this master degree program, will contribute to knowledge of teaching Turkish as a mother tongue and meeting the need for qualified teachers as well. The science experts who have completed this program carried out by Turkish Education Department will be equipped with being a leader in this field.

Program is a two-year (4 semesters) Master's program with thesis carried out by Educational Sciences Institute. The program was founded to raise scientific experts who possesses professional knowledge and skills about Teaching Turkish to Turkish Children Abroad. The scientific experts who are going to be raised in the program, will be able to contribute to the knowledge of teaching Turkish in different countries as well as meeting the need of qualified teacher in the field. The scientific experts who complete the program conducted by Branch of Turkish Language Teaching in the Department of Turkish and Social Sciences Education will possess the equipment to pioneer in the field.

Doctorate (PhD)

Turkish Education Doctorate Program is a four-year program (8 semesters) conducted under the Institute of Educational Sciences. The program was established to train researchers and experts with professional knowledge and skills in the field of Turkish Education.

It is expected that the experts and researchers who will be trained within the program will contribute to the relevant knowledge in addition to the need for qualified teachers in the field. Graduates who complete the program carried out by the Department of Turkish and Social Sciences Education will have the equipment to lead the field.